Russell majdnem elájult, a 20. körtől rosszul volt

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Russell majdnem elájult, a 20. körtől rosszul volt

A Katari Nagydíjon nemcsak a pilóták egymással, hanem a rendkívüli hőséggel is meg kellett küzdeniük. George Russell már a verseny elejétől kezdve kimerültnek érezte magát, majAlmost exactly this happened to George Russell, who fell back to the last positions after the first corner collision and then showed an incredible comeback to fourth place under these extreme circumstances. „It was absolutely brutal, the most physically demanding race I have ever experienced,” analyzed the race completely exhausted Mercedes driver George Russell. „I was close to fainting during the race, I have never experienced anything like this.” „I asked my engineer to encourage me just to distract my thoughts from the constant sickness. I train a lot in the sauna in the heat, pushing the limits of my body, but sometimes you simply can’t bear it and have to get out of the sauna. That’s how I felt after the 20th lap.” Piastri also could hardly stand after the race and said in his evaluation that he had to do 57 qualifying laps, which was an incredible challenge for him… „He is the best rookie in Formula 1 since Verstappen.”nat majdnem ugyanennyi kört is meg kellett tennie.

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