Persze csak áttételesen: de tény, hogy a 2020-ban történt rendkívül súlyos F1-es baleset is hozzájárult a Katarban kialakult embertelen körülményekhez.

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Grosjean balesete miatt szenvedtek a pilóták Katarban?

Alexander Wurz, the president of the drivers’ association GPDA and former F1 driver, also commented on the situation that unfolded in Qatar: as we have detailed in recent days, many drivers suffered from the extreme heat inside the cars, which posed health and safety risks for many.

In an interview with BBC Sport, Wurz pointed out that physical fitness is not enough for drivers to cope with these conditions, and that it is unfair to compare the situation to the past due to the different circumstances – a comparison that fans have been making on social media since Sunday.

„It is too easy to say ‘just hit the gym and you’ll be fine!'” Wurz began. „There were several factors that contributed to the situation, and everyone should try to understand this. My initial thoughts were about the lessons we can learn from other categories where heat is a problem for drivers.”

„For example, cooled seats work very well and are not difficult to develop and install. Every team could examine this possibility,” continued the multiple F1 podium finisher and Le Mans winner. „Hot electrical devices should be better insulated or cooled with air, as they are often located close to the driver’s seat, or the hot hydraulic lines could be redirected to prevent overheating around the seat.”

Heat load should be limited
Wurz brought up an interesting perspective that requires a change in mentality: „The regulations require tests and limits for various car components. Since the driver is also part of the equation, it might be time to set limits regarding the heat load they can experience.”

In addition to the above, the new heat-resistant suits introduced after Romain Grosjean’s crash in Bahrain in 2020 could also contribute to higher heat loads on hot circuits: „They simply cook you. I recently tested a car wearing the newly mandatory heat-resistant suit, and I was shocked by how hot it was.”

„Of course, there are valid reasons for their presence,” Wurz continued. „And I am not suggesting a return to weaker solutions. I am just saying this for those who do not understand what is happening, that this is one of the many factors.”

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